Hildo Biersma wrote:
> Look, there's a reason we have objects - they encapsulate state.  If a
> module supports objects and procedural calls, in the latter case it will
> either need a handle to the state (objects by anoither name), or will
> store the state internally.  If the module stores the state internally,
> then you can only have one active caller at a time.  If another module
> also uses the procedural interface, and also expects to be the only
> user, things break.

But that is all highly module-implementation dependent.

                local $Foo::current_object = $my_obj;

Also, as in the case of CGI, you can mix safely:

        if ( param('name') ) {
                print $q->b( "howdy" );

Sounds to me like you're really arguing against procedural modules
in general, because they lack the strengths OO provides.

>   my $dup = open("</etc/motd")->dup();
>   for (1..2) { $dup->readline(); }
> And now, suddenly, the readline() method breaks, because it doesn't have
> two levels of caller.

Actually, Hildo, you've found the fault in the whole proposal:
there is no "call stack" of objects here, even in constructs like


By the time readline is called, dup and open have both exited.
All readline can see is the value that dup returned.

John Porter

        We're building the house of the future together.

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