Bart Lateur:
> If your P5->P6 translator is slow, i.e. written
> in Perl, this would imply a pretty big performace hit. 

It is better for translated programs to do the right thing slowly than
to do the wrong thing as quickly as possible.

> What would help is a debugging mode that prints out the
> converted code string,

This is such a debugging mode.  

The translated script will run properly and do the right thing without
intervention, although it may run slowly.  The programmer can modify
the perl5_eval code so that it issues a warning or calls 'die' or

The programmer can also examine the occurrences of 'perl5_eval' in the
source code to decide whether they can be converted immediately to
plain 'eval'.

Once all the appearances of perl5_eval have been replaced, the
translator is no longer needed.

Mark-Jason Dominus                                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I am boycotting Amazon. See for details.

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