On Tue, Sep 26, 2000 at 05:02:02PM +1100, iain truskett wrote:
> Is there much point having a lightweight CGI module? If you say 'I want
> it to load quickly', I say 'get mod_perl'.

There's more to it than just loading quickly.  It should load quickly
as in "load everything that's absolutely necessary but nothing more."
Taint mode is necessary, and half the reason for this proposal.

That should make it faster than it is today (ms) and faster than 
it is today in mod_perl (us).

> > I do like the idea of stacking HTTP headers and queueing them up
> > before the first print statement, where that print is a little more
> > magical than every subsequent print.  I'd imagine that if the HTTP
> > headers were blank, it would Do The Right Thing (tm) and emit a
> > "Content-type: text/html\n\n", before replacing itself with the
> > standard print builtin.
> This would be useful. I'd be more inclined to have it with the CGI
> module though. But then, it would need to be an option since sometimes
> programs use CGI bits and pieces but don't run in a CGI context (such
> as mod_perl scripts, and the odd script I have for generating
> semi-static documents).

This has nothing to do with CGI context.
> > Robust input parsing: yes.
> > General purpose output formatting: no, [...]
> > Rudimentary HTTP header emission: probably.
> I think it all belongs in the CGI module really. 

Then you're probably against this proposal.  No biggie.

> The assorted Apache modules (and HTML::Embperl and similar) and the CGI
> module really do provide proper facilities for CGI operations. Having
> "rudimentary" features in the core would be duplication and hence a
> waste. 

Even if the core implementations were so lightweight that they could
be reused as-is across all the other modules?


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