On Sep 30 2000 22:38:58, Perl6 RFC Librarian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>=head1 ABSTRACT
>C<caller> is extended to allow complete access to the "call frame" of
>the current subroutine call.

would this be better suited by the previously proposed (i'm not sure for perl6 though) 
C<no scope;> pragma?  Looks like Nathan Wiger has already proposed a 'scope' pragma in 
RFC 64, but it does not cover this functionality as far as I know...

as I remember, the C<no scope;> pragma, when used, would simply act as if the 
enclosing scope were not in place, enabling such things as:
if ($ints) {
  no scope;
  use integer;

Tom Christiansen brought up the idea on p5p at:


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