On Sat, Jan 27, 2001 at 05:13:23PM -0500, Michael G Schwern wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 27, 2001 at 03:42:43PM -0700, root wrote:
> > I read RFC195 suggesting to drop 'chop' and go with 'chomp'.
> > What does 'chop' have anything to do with 'chomp'?
> chop() and chomp() are very often confused due to their similar names,
> similar functionality and the fact that chop() did chomp()'s job
> (poorly) prior to perl5.  Nowdays, chop() is very often used where
> they really ment chomp().
> Actually, the docs are somewhat to blame for this.  perlfunc is loaded
> with chop misuses.  Will fix.
> The complex nature of the complete chop() is unfortunate, it makes it
> very difficult to reimplement and prototype.  The basic version,
> however, isn't hard:
>     sub chop (;\$) {
>         my($var) = @_ ? $_[0] : $_;
>         return substr($var, -1, 1, '');
>     }

That doesn't modify its arguments (nor does it modify $_).

> Once you start getting into chopping lists and hashes, it becomes
> impossible to prototype.

This one not only modifies its arguments (or $_ when called without),
it also has the right prototype and works on lists:

    sub chop (@) {
        my $__;
        map {$__ = substr $_ => -1, 1, ""} @_ ? @_ : $_;

Aliasing is a cute thing.


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