At 09:56 AM 4/10/2001 +1000, Greg Boug wrote:
> > >*knock knock* Hello? Abstraction? Are you there????
> > Don't forget that human language expresses concrete things as
> > much or more than it does abstract things. Perl is at least
> > partially a human language.
>True... But the ability to say "This is a $something" is
>an abstraction. You are putting together all the things that
>make $something and calling it $something, thus hiding its

We already do that with magic open. Perl has a fair amount of magic in 
it--when that magic is reasonably straightforward I don't see that there's 
a problem.

> > Abstraction is nice, but it's abstraction made concrete that does
> > the heavy lifting. An abstract bicycle isn't going to get a real
> > problem very far...
>I agree... I'd prefer the concept of libraries to remain for
>things like tcp/ip connections and the like. It allows flexibility
>and extendability.
>Looking at your open command earlier... Lets say a new protocol
>comes out "tomorrow" and takes the world by storm. Lets call it
>the fbtp (fscking brilliant transfer protocol)... Your method
>would require re-releasing Perl to incorperate this new protocol,
>given its wide acceptance.

Really? I think you're presuming too much. Being able to replace pieces of 
perl as time goes on without a fullscale rebuild's one of the things we're 
going to be doing with perl 6.


--------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
Dan Sugalski                          even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         have teddy bears and even
                                      teddy bears get drunk

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