At 10:16 AM 4/17/2001 +0100, Tim Bunce wrote:
>On Mon, Apr 16, 2001 at 02:49:07PM -0500, Jarkko Hietaniemi wrote:
> > People seem to think that telling Perl 5 apart from Perl 6 is trivial.
>My reading of Larry's comments is that it will be _made_ trivial at the
>file scope level. If the file doesn't start with Perl 6 thingy then
>it's Perl 5. Period.

I think you (and we) are reading too much into the comments around this. 
They're all in the "RFC 16: Keep default Perl free of constraints such as 
warnings and strict" section. I've been reading them as setting perl's 
default warning and stricture levels, but that's not necessarily the intent.

As for default perl 5-ishness, while there's language that says we assume 
perl 5, there's also a paragraph in there that says having to declare we're 
really perl 6 sucks, too.

I probably ought to address some of the other points, but playing 
pedant/bible scholar over a single mail message is a bit more ludicrous 
than I can manage this early in the morning...


"And finally, one can always count on Gilbert and Sullivan for a rousing 
finale, full of words and music, signifying nothing."
                                         - Tom Lehrer

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