Suggestion: prepend a ~ or , to numeric comparison operators

Addresses the key concerns:
o  frees up .
o  spaces insensitive (though cmp, eq, care about spaces)
o  using the , instead of ~ would be 1 keystroke on most keyboards
o  ~ and , visually intuit a string (~ more than ,)
o  avoids: $foo = "foo" + "$foo" + foo + foo()
o  easy to differentiate string and numeric ops
o  doesn't spill over into other syntax changes... (i think)

From: Stephen P. Potter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Garrett Goebel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> whispered:
> | Perl 5          Perl 6
> | --------------- ---------------
> | ->              .
> | +               +
> | .               ~+
> | .=              ~+=
> |                 ~=+
     [and possibly consider]
> | eq              ~==  or eq
> | ne              ~!=  or ne
> | gt              ~>   or gt
> | ge              ~>=  or ge
> | lt              ~<   or lt
> | le              ~<=  or le
> | cmp             ~<=> or cmp
> |
> | You can leave aliases for eq, ne, gt... or depreciate them.
> | -But leave precedence as is...
> It's not bad enough that we're getting a proliferation of trigraph
> operators, now you want to add a quadgraph?  No thank you.

cmp requires typing at least 4 characters too:
  sort {$a cmp$b} qw(z y x);
  sort {${a}cmp$b} qw(z y x);

It has been suggested to me privately to leave the lettered ops eq, ne, cmp,
etc. alone since there is a history behind using lettered ops on strings and
symbol ops on numbers. That's fine. You might consider allowing either, or
possibly just dropping the trigraphs and/or quadgraphs.

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