On Fri, May 04, 2001 at 04:42:07PM -0700, Nathan Wiger wrote:
> :      while ($STDIN) { ... }
> I'm wondering what this will do?
>    $thingy = $STDIN;
> This seems to have two possibilities:
>    1. Make a copy of $STDIN

This one. I see a filehandle in *boolean* context meaning "read to $_",
just like the current "while (<FOO>)" magic we all know and occasionally
love. I'd expect $FOO.readln (or something less Pascalish) to do an
explicit readline to a variable other than $_

You want to read that stuff, fine. You want to create a network for such 
things, fine. You want to explore the theoretical boundaries of free speech, 
fine. But when it starts impacting *people* trying to *communicate*, then 
that is where I draw the line. - Russ Allbery, http://www.slacker.com/rant.html

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