On 5/4/01 11:47 PM, Edward Peschko wrote:
> Horrors is right. The default perl5 behaviour is *useful*. I use the
> %b=(%a,%c)
> metaphor all of the time.

I believe you can get the Perl 5 functionality by throwing a few *
characters in there somewhere...

> Why not just keep it simple?

Based on Apoc. 2, I'm not sure the Perl 6 isn't just as simple.  It's just

> And perl5-ish. Two contexts, scalar and list,
> hashes NOT a context of its own. If
> %a = @b;
> does 
> %c = map{ ($_ => undef ) }  @a;
> then it both confuses things and gets rid of lots of regular expression
> tricks,
> example:
> %environment = (`env` =~ m"(.*?)=(.*)\n"sg);

I may be misunderstanding pairlist vs. list context here, but I'd imagine
you could keep that type of functionality in Perl 6 with an explicit
keyword.  Perhaps:

    %environment = list (`env` =~ m"(.*?)=(.*)\n"sg); # Guessing

It seems to me that pairlist context will have enough benefits to outweigh
the extra care that must be taken to do Perl 5-ish stuff like the above.


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