>>>>> "NW" == Nathan Wiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  NW> As for <> as a qw() replacement, I think there are really two
  NW> issues here.  First, you're not really talking about a
  NW> "replacement", since you're mentioning different semantics. So
  NW> qw() will still be widely used. I suggest that we simply create
  NW> another q-op to do the qw-ish things you're proposing.  Perhaps
  NW> qi() for "interpolate" or something else. Plus <> has the terrible
  NW> problem that the POD C<> stuff does w/ embedded > chars. The
  NW> really nice thing about the q's is you can choose any bracket you
  NW> want. I think fleshing out this series of constructs makes the
  NW> most sense.

i think qX is the way to go for extending quotes. it has a long history,
there are multiple intuitive uses already and it is extendable. i think
waht larry seems to want is qh() for quote hash. here is a possible
syntax/semantic for it:

        %foo = qh( foo bar baz )

is like

        %foo = ( foo => 1, bar => 1, baz => 1 )

but any single element could be paired with => inside so:

        %foo = qh( foo bar => 2 baz )

is like

        %foo = ( foo => 1, bar => 2 , baz => 1 )

other variations could be supported. i am not sure i like:

        %foo = qh( foo bar(2) baz )

as how would you know if that is 'bar(2)' or bar => 2?

the proposed qh only fails with a key or value of => which is highly
unlikely and can be worked around as a value by inserting another =>

        %foo = qh( foo bar => => baz )


        %foo = ( foo => 1, bar => '=>', baz => 1 )


Uri Guttman  ---------  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ----------  http://www.sysarch.com
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