Just a quick obeservation:

Given the radicalness of the changes suggested by apo 2, I think it's
fair to say that the proportion of Perl 5 code that will run unchanged
on a Perl 6 interpreter will be heading into single-figure percentages.
While I personally think this will be price well worth paying, we need to
bear in mind that the eventual syntax and semantics of Perl 6 has got
to be such that the writing of the Perl 5 to 6 translator utility is
still feasable. I dont think the syntax will be too much of a problem
(eg %foo{a} vs $foo{a}), but it will be important that there is always
some way of expressing Perl5-ish semantics in such matters as list context

$soapbox.dismount or dismount $soapbox or $soapbox->dismount();

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