From: Jonathan Scott Duff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> On Tue, May 22, 2001 at 10:10:55AM -0500, Garrett Goebel wrote:
> > What is UNIVERSAL::can($foo, 'new') going to return if 
> > there is a variable and/or value property 'new' set
> > on $foo?
> undef if there is no "new" method.

Then what's the use of using object methods to override properties? 

print $sv.stringify  if $sv.can('stringify');

> > To my knowledge, no one has yet proposed how you can clear 
> > a user-defined property on a value?
> delete $foo.prop{name};

How do you know if that is a value property you're attempting to delete?

$foo is Bar("loneliest") = 1 is Bar("ever");

Do delete and exists only work on value properties? I.e. and not for
variable properties?

delete $foo.prop{'Bar'}  if exists $foo.prop{'Bar'};

I suppose it is time to sit back and wait for the Apocalypse...

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