On Wed, Jun 06, 2001 at 10:28:41AM -0400, John Porter wrote:
> Michael G Schwern wrote:
> > It will have to go for strict classes.  @ISA will have to be locked.
> "strict classes"?
> "strongly typed class"?

Can a man make up gibberish in peace? ;)

Basically, any class which wants to be type-checked at compile time.

> I agree that an (optional) strong-typing mechanism would
> be nice to have in perl6.  However, I don't think it
> should not have a run-time component.
> I.e. "strong typing can only be done at compile time".
> We'll do what we can at compile time, but this is Perl...

Yes, very true.  I missed that entirely.


Michael G. Schwern   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    http://www.pobox.com/~schwern/
Perl6 Quality Assurance     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       Kwalitee Is Job One
That which stirs me, stirs everything.
        -- Squonk Opera, "Spoon"

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