On Fri, 8 Jun 2001, Chris Hostetter wrote:

> After reading the Apocalypse & Exegesis articles, and seeing some examples
> of properties and the "is" operator, I'd like to suggest that the
> less-then operator be changed, so it is functionally equivalent to:
>       $v2 = VALUE2;
>       $v1 = (defined VALUE1.valueR ? VALUE1.valueR : VALUE1);
>       return ($v2-$v1 == abs($v2-$v1)) is valueR($v2);
> which (assuming the operator's association was changed to "left") would
> cause the following code to mean what beginning programmers always think it
> should mean:
>       if ($foo < $bar < $baz) { ... }
> It should be obvious how "> <= >= lt gt le ge" can similarly
> be modified.  Then even this would make sense...
>       if ($foo <= $bar > $yak lt $wak) { ... }

        For certain definitions of "sense."  :>

        Seriously, I have several thoughts on this:

        1) The "do this because it will be more intuitive for beginners"
argument comes up a lot, and is pretty appealing at first.  However, as
someone (was it tchrist?) pointed out, beginners don't stay beginners for
long, so writing a language for beginners may cost you people when they
"grow out of" your language.  I don't this we should do this just because
it would be better for beginners; if we're going to do it, let's do it
because it is a good feature.

        2) This feature would be very prone to abuse (makes it easier to
obfuscate code), but that isn't a reason to disqualify something either.  

        3) Used for what it is intended for, it seems like a very concise,
expressive way to do multiple relationship tests without needing all those
"&&"s and such.  If we assume that these expressions read from left to
right by overlapped pairs, so that these are equivalent:
        ($foo < $bar < $baz < $jaz)
        (($foo < $bar) && ($bar < $baz) && ($baz < $jaz))

        ...then I don't think we're giving up any comprehensibility, and
we are gaining conciseness.  I vote 'yes' (fwiw).


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