> Simplifying somewhat (ok, a heck of a lot), an rvalued:
   >     $foo is bar
   > or
   >     $foo : bar
   > is syntactic sugar for:
   >     bar($foo)
   > with some extra magic for handling a properties hash
   > associated with $foo's value, in particular resetting the
   > hash when $foo's value changes.
   > Right?

No. I do not think $foo will be passed to the bar handler like that.

   > Basically, perl will (do the equivalent of) define a sub bar
   > if it doesn't exist, then call bar, and bar can attach some
   > data to the value in $foo, or update some data attached
   > to the value in $foo, and will always return $foo.
   > Right?


   > If I got the above badly wrong, the rest of this post
   > probably won't make sense.
   > I also presume it would make sense to alias $_ to $foo
   > in (the method associated with) bar. (Is that intended?)

There will need to be some way to access the referent that the
property handler is invoked upon. Passing a reference
to it in $_ might be one such way.

   > One could generalize so that bar can do as above, but
   > doesn't _have_ to do as above, ie it doesn't have to
   > attach data to $foo's value or update that data;

Yes. For example, it might just write out a log message
(indicating that $foo has been declared) or it might set
some other variable indicating that $foo has been bar'red.
   > it can return a value other than $foo;

I would not expect that this would be allowed.
   > and it can change the value of $foo.

Yes. For example:

        my $foo is persistent;
   > Basically, an rvalued:
   >     $foo : bar
   > becomes a syntactically and cognitively cheap way, and
   > a cognitively very different way, of calling bar on $foo, a
   > cheapness and difference that amplifies if one applies
   > several of these:
   >     $foo : bar baz qux
   > instead of
   >     qux(baz(bar($foo)))

Err. No. That would be:

        bar(1); baz(1); qux(1);

or possibly:

        $_=\$foo; bar(1); baz(1); qux(1);

   > I realize this isn't particularly appealing, but bare with me


   > a little longer.
   > So, in:
   >     $foo : bar
   > bar in this context is not a property, but instead a more
   > general "post" or similar (alluding to the notion that it is
   > a bit like a postfix sub as well as (possibly) having the
   > sticky note aspect.)

No. There will, I hope, be a mechanism for pre- and postfixing
subroutines, but not properties I think.

   > So, to recap:
   >     $foo : bar;
   > means bar is posted to $foo. $foo's value may change
   > or stay the same. The return value may be $foo's, either
   > before or after posting, or some other value. $foo's value
   > may now have an attached bar postit.

You lost me here. Your ideas for properties are different from mine
(which may well, in turn, be different from Larry's).


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