Ken wrote:

   > Damian Conway wrote:
   > > It would seem *very* odd to allow every symbol table *except*
   > > %MY:: to be accessed at run-time.
   > Well, yeah, that's true. How about we make it really
   > simple and don't allow any modifications at run-time to
   > any symbol table?

Err. No thanks. Being able to mess with the symbol table is one
of the things I most like about Perl.

   > Can we have an example of why you want run-time
   > symbol table manipulation? Aliases are interesting,

...but not what I had in mind.

The main uses are (surprise):

        * introducing lexically scoped subroutines into a caller's scope
        * introducing lexically scoped variables into a caller's scope

In other words, everything that Exporter does, only with lexical
referents not package referents. This in turn gives us the ability to
easily write proper lexically-scoped modules.

Other important uses are:

        * modifying existing lexically scoped subroutines in a caller's scope
        * modifying existing lexically scoped variables in a caller's scope

I can image a Lexically::Verbose module, that modifies all variables and/or
subroutines in a scope to report their own activity:

        while (whatever) {
                use Lexically::Verbose 'vars';
                my $x;          # logs: 'created $x at line 4''
                $x++;           # logs: 'incremented $x to 1 at line 5'

   > >    > Modifying the caller's environment:
   > >    > 
   > >    >   $lexscope = caller().{MY};
   > >    >   $lexscope{'&die'} = &die_hard;
   > This only modifies the caller's scope? It doesn't modify
   > all instances of the caller's scope, right?

Right. Lexical symbol tables are themselves lexical variables. At the
end of the caller's scope, they vanish.

   > For example, if I have an counter generator, and one of the
   > generated closures somehow has its' symbol table modified, only
   > that *one* closure is affected even though all the closures were
   > cloned from the same symbol table.


   > What about if the symbol doesn't exist in the caller's scope
   > and the caller is not in the process of being compiled? Can
   > the new symbol be ignored since there obviously isn't any
   > code in the caller's scope referring to a lexical with that
   > name?

No. Because some other subroutine called from the caller's scope might
also access caller().{MY}. In fact, you just invented a new pattern, in
which a set of subroutines called within a scope can communicate invisibly
but safely through that scope's lexical symbol table.

   > > Between source filters and Inline I can do pretty much whatever I like
   > > to your lexicals without your knowledge. ;-)
   > Those seem more obvious. There will be a "use" declaration

Not necessarily with Inline. Nor with source filters for that matter (the
C<use> could be 500 lines and 10 nested scopes away at the top of the file)

   > I wrote and I already know that "use" can have side-effects on
   > my current name space. IMHO this could become a significant problem
   > as we continue to make Perl more expressive. Macros, filters,
   > self-modifying code, mini-languages ... they all make expressing
   > a solution easier, and auditing code harder. Do we favor
   > expression too much over verification?

I would have said that was Perl's signature feature. ;-)

   > We also want Perl 6 to be fast and cleanly implemented.

Accessing lexicals will be no slower than accessing package variables
is today. Because in Perl 6 both lexicals and package variables will
use the same look-up mechanism: look up the appropriate symbol table
entry and that's your SV reference (or whatever replaces SVs in Perl 6).
Think of symbol table entries as vtables for variables.

   > > How am I expected to produce fresh wonders if you won't let me warp the
   > > (new) laws of the Perl universe to my needs?
   > You constantly amaze me and everyone else. That's never
   > been a problem.

Thank-you. But I have to contend with the inflation of expectations.
Last year I wow'd them with simple quantum physics. This year, I needed
a quantum cellular automaton simulation of molecular thermodynamics
written in Klingon. What will it take next year???


   > One of the things that I haven't been seeing is the exchange
   > of ideas between the implementation side and the language side.
   > I've been away for a while, so maybe it's just me.

A great deal of that happens off-list: especially between Dan and I and
between Dan and Larry.

   > It vaguely worries me though that we'll be so far down the
   > language side when implementation troubles arise that it will
   > be hard to change the language. 

I'm really not worried about that. Larry has consistently demonstrated
he's open to reassessing his design decisions when necessary.


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