> : <QUOTE>
> : Interestingly, this one tweak to the whitespace rule also 
> means that we'll 
> : be able to simplify the parentheses out of other similar 
> built-in constructs:
> : 
> :     if $foo { ... }
> :     elsif $bar { ... }
> :     else { ... }
> : 
> :     while $more { ... }
> : 
> :     for 1..10 { ... }
> : 
> : I think throwing out two required punctuation characters 
> for one required 
> : whitespace is an excellent trade in terms of readability, 
> particularly when 
> : it already matches common practice. (You can still put in 
> the parens if you 
> : want them, of course, just for old times' sake.)
> : </QUOTE>
> : 
> : Since the parentheses are no longer required, will the 
> expressions lose or 
> : retain their own scope level?  (I'm assuming that whatever 
> rule applies, it 
> : will hold true if you do elect to use parantheses anyway.)
> Yes, you can use a "my" in those expressions, but now the 
> scope will continue beyond the inner block, whether or not 
> there are parens.

How would we then create a inner block scoped variable, as for counters
or other variables not needed passed the scope.  The only way would be
to increment within the block itself.

Is there a reason why we can't have behavior defined on whether or not
pareths are used.  With pareths it's scope block, without, outter scope?


> Larry

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