>Methinks (that's me, not you) that if me thinks (that's you, not me)
>that my argument is an argument *for* it being pretty odd *not* to
>inherit them, that there is an assumption by me or me (that's one or the
>other of us) that is clearly wrong about the way inheritance of methods
>(should) work.


>In my mind, the idea of inheriting a method is that the subclass and the
>superclass have a common subroutine that is invoked whether the message
>is sent to the subclass or to the superclass.  In Perl6 terms, that

I'm not comfortable with this sort of concept. Typically "inheritance" is
going to either take the base implementation or _replace_ the implementation.
The replacement can decide to {call|ignore} the base method.

If you have hidden side effects that makes things scary, (and potentially
costly in the long run) I think.

If you wouldn't want the base implementation to be ignore there is usually
some mechanism in C++ and Java for this, how it applies to Perl6 I'm not


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