> >>>>> "Larry" == Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Larry> I think our terminology is getting sloppy here.  What 
> Larry> do you mean by "inherit from that method"?  If the
> Larry> derived method overrides the base method, it will
> Larry> manage its own resources, and doesn't need the base
> Larry> method's LAST.  If the derived method calls the base 
> Larry> method, the LAST of the base method will naturally
> Larry> come along for the ride.  If there is no derived
> Larry> method, the base method also calls its own LAST as
> Larry> a matter of course.  I don't see any problem here.
> That's why I'm still puzzled about what it means to inherit PRE/POST
> as well.
> A block of code doesn't have a superclass.  What exactly are you
> "inheriting from"?

I don't think PRE/POST are going to be part of the resources of a code
block. They are part of the resources of a method. I don't know if they have
any value in procedures. Perhaps only methods will be allowed PRE/POST?

> If you call "super" from a method, surely the super will have its own
> PRE/POST, and then there's no need to inherit it.  If you don't call
> "super", how do you know the PRE/POST of a similar subroutine in a
> superclass that you're completely overriding should even apply?

For DBC you want to inherit the SUPER's PRE/POST conditions even if you
override the method's implementation. I don't thing PRE/POST apply to
procedure subroutine, just the subroutines which are methods. Assuming we
confine talk of PRE/POST to classes and methods... I think the latter
statement about knowing when the PRE/POST of an inherited method/subroutine
applies resolves itself.

> So, does it make any sense at all to talk about "inheriting" PRE/POST
> as a separate act, other than the natural block start/end from calling
> "super" at the right time?

Yes. As you might override the super's implementation, but still need to
satisfy its PRE/POST conditions.

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