Falling back on the "numbers is strings, too" legacy:

$a = 100;
$b = "000";
$c = ($a _ $b) + 1;

# I'd expect $c == 100001.

If I say:

$a = 1 _ 000 _ 000;


$a = 1_000_000;

DWIM (In scalar context, coerce arguments to strings).
(Frankly, I think this is unlikely. But who knows?)

If course, if I say:

$a = $1_000_000;

You can complain.

WARNING: test.pm (line 4): Cannot assemble $1_000_000.


--- Aaron Sherman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 2002-01-25 at 12:38, Bryan C. Warnock wrote:
> > On Friday 25 January 2002 12:34, Simon Cozens wrote:
> > > Should we be allowed to use _ to group numbers, now that _ is
> concat?
> > > If not _, then what? (if anything?)
> > 
> > Sure, why not?  '_' is still a valid character in an identifier. 
> You'd 
> > still simply need disambiguating whitespace for concatenation.
> Ok, so the concern is that
>       100_000
> could be
>       (100) _ (000)
> or
>       100000
> It seems to me that the way around this is to change _ to space for
> numbers. Is there ever a reason to have:
>       100 000
> currently? I can't think of one. Such spaces could easily be noted
> and
> removed by the tokenizer early on.
> Then again, _ still bothers me as an operator. I think it's because
> Perl
> has trained me to think of _ as being very flexible and
> context-sensitive (ala $_, @_, etc). And so, it seems odd that the _
> operator should have one fixed, narrow purpose.

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