> I know this is going pretty far back in the design process, but I was 
> wondering why we're using curlies for hash subscripts, now that the % 
> sticks around when you key it. Then curlies could only two 
> things : Anonymous hash making and closure making. Maybe it's just too 
> much culture shock?

Interesting, we don't have the typeglob anymore, so there isn't the
question of:

*typeglob[$index] = $value;

being either an array or a hash.  The real problem, is the lack of
visual indication of what's going on.  Try:

@array[ %hash{$key} ]

without braces looks like:

@array[ %hash[$key] ]

Now, the behaviour of array indicies and hash keys is different too.
For example, for an array these are equal (or are they?):

@array["        1"], @array[1]

but obviously, in a hash these aren't:

%array["        1"], %array[1]

but wait, there's more... what does:



I leave this challenge to Luke :)

Jonathan Paton

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