Piers Cawley:
# "Brent Dax" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
# > Larry Wall:
# > That's...odd.  Is $$ (the variable) going away?
# >
# > #     /./s                  /<any>/ or /<.>/ ???
# >
# > I think that . is too common a metacharacter to be 
# relegated to this.
# I think you failed to notice that '/s' on the regex. In 
# general . will still mean . but if you want it to match 
# *anything* including a new line, you have to call it <.>. 
# Personally, I don't have a problem with that.

Ah, you're right.  My bad.

# > #     space         <sp> (or \h for "horizontal"?)
# >
# > Same thinking as '.'.
# The golfers aren't going to like it for sure. But most of the 
# time when I'm doing production code I have /x turned on 
# anyway, and in that context, if I want to match a space and 
# only a space, I have to do [ ] anyway. 
# It might be nice if we could have m:X// mean 'space and hash 
# match themselves'. 

I was thinking that <sp> would replace \s.  If that isn't the case, I
have no real complaint (if you can turn off /x).

# > #     \t                    also <tab>
# > #     \n                    also <lf> or <nl> (latter matching
# > logical newline)
# > #     \r                    also <cr>
# > #     \f                    also <ff>
# > #     \a                    also <bell>
# > #     \e                    also <esc>
# >
# > I can tell you right now that these are going to screw people up. 
# > They'll try to use these in normal strings and be confused when it 
# > doesn't work.  And you probably won't be able to emit a warning, 
# > considering how much CGI Perl munches.
# But assigning meaning to < and > is going to do that anyway. 

Not if the things are meaningless outside of regexes.  For example,
lookahead sequences make absolutely no sense in a quoted string.

@roles=map {"Parrot $_"} qw(embedding regexen Configure)

#define private public
    --Spotted in a C++ program just before a #include

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