Larry Wall wrote :
> Well, if anything, we're going the other direction, and enriching what
> you can do with a backslash in single quotes slightly.  But it ought
> to be pretty easy to define your own hyperquotes.  We might also have
> options on quotes like we do on regexen.  Then we could tell it what
> to interpolate and what not to:
>     q:bsahfmc/\t $foo @array %hash &func() $obj.method() { closure }/
> 'Course, that's pretty klunky.

And that doesn't seem very flexible.
If you're going to specify your quoting rules for your own q//
operators, I think that this should be specified as hints to the very
perl parser.

A simple example : in C<myq/@foo[42]/>, you could choose to interpolate
only the array @foo, or the array element @foo[42].

> So maybe we have something like an
> immediate subroutine definition:
>     my sub qa is quote("bsahfmc") {...}
>     qa/\t $foo @array %hash &func() $obj.method() { closure }/
> Then you could say something like:
>     my sub q is quote("") {...}
>     'You think I' _ q{'} _ 'm knit-picking!'
> to get the behavior you want.

That sounds a bit like my Sub::Quotelike module.

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