Now that it seems that Parse::RecDescent and, ultimately,
Parse::FastDescent, will be subsumed into the Perl 6 regex/grammar system,
I've been thinking about how to implement P::RD directives such as
<autotree>, <score> and <leftop>; or features such as tracing.

I've really only thought about <leftop>, but am not sure if those thoughts
are even going in the right direction, so please correct anything that
looks like nonsense.

Suppose you want a <leftop> assertion that works like the <leftop>
directive in P::RD, so that

    <leftop atom, and, atom>

becomes the same as

    <atom> (and <atom>)*

There could be a two-arg version of <leftop> that assumes the rightop
is the same as the leftop:

    <leftop atom, and>

I'm not sure of the syntax to invoke rules that take more than one
argument. Maybe it would be

    <leftop(atom, and, atom)>
    <leftop(atom, and)>

(I hope I'm right in assuming that arguments to rules aren't evaluated
but rather passed in literally like a kind of macro mechanism, otherwise
I don't understand how

    rule not ($rx) { <!$rx> }

is supposed to work.)

Now, could you just do

    rule leftop ($leftop, $op) {
            <$leftop> [$op <$leftop>]*

    rule leftop ($leftop, $op, $rightop) {
            <$leftop> [$op <$rightop>]*

That is, if there are multimethods. If not, i suppose we could have

    rule leftop is multimethod($leftop, $op) { ... }
    rule leftop is multimethod($leftop, $op, $rightop) { ... }

Does that look like valid Perl 6 code (it's my first try to be honest)
or is it just nonsense?



We are Perl. Your table will be assimilated. Your waiter will adapt to
service us. Surrender your beer. Resistance is futile.
 -- strategy aka "embrace and extend" aka "mark and sweep"

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