On Tue, 18 Jun 2002, John Siracusa wrote:
: On 6/18/02 6:10 PM, Damian Conway wrote:
: > Larry has previously mentioned the prospect of Perl 6 module names being
: > extended to include version number and author.
: > 
: > If this were to be done, would seem reasonable for the "author" component to
: > simply be the author's CPAN username. These are guaranteed unique, are
: > frequently mnemonic, are necessary prerequisites for putting a module on the
: > CPAN in any case, and also map straight onto email addresses through which
: > authors can be contacted.
: That's fine for what it is, but I don't think it has the right granularity
: for the problem I described in my original post.  If Acme wants to create
: custom Acme modules in-house and ensure that they will play well with
: modules from anyplace else, they can't very well rely on a CPAN author name
: to isolate their namespace.  So they're back to making up their own
: convention under Local:: (and risking conflicts with other companies that
: try to do the same), or using Acme:: (whoops!  CPAN conflict!), etc.

I expect to end up with a multi-level system, where you can use anything from
a DNS name (guaranteed to contain dots) through author IDs (no dots) to
blessed top-level names for universally acclaimed modules, for some definition
of universal.  Plus the technological fix of aliasing, as several of you have
discussed.  Basically, we name interfaces at a more abstract level than we
do implementations.  Devil in the details, as usual...


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