Michael Schwerned:
>I've been trying to pick out what parts of Perl 6 would make a Java
>programmer sit up and go "I wish I had that" or a Python programmer think
>"Hmm, maybe there is more than one way to do it" and, in fine Perl
>tradition, a few things which make the whole audience go "what a bunch of

In general I like the Python crowd, but there is a tendency to think that other OO 
heavy languages are really just reimplementations of Python, and you might have to 
fight that a little, seeing how Perl's increase in OO in the core language is coming 

The thing with Java programmers I think is that the already extant features of Perl's 
OO will make them drool (in my likely ignorant estimation) if they can be convinced 
that Perl's OO is 'proper' OO. Seeing how we're getting more Bondage and Dicipline OO, 
that might make them give the model enough respect to see the rapid development power 
of being able to look at the guts of a class or object from the outside, at runtime 
even. This might eliminate the 'catch up' opinion.

I think that regexes mostly need to be avoided, simply because outsiders think of Perl 
too much in terms of regexes and already view us as king. In terms of selling Perl 6, 
regexes won't win us a crowd.


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