1.  Perl6 should include a "has" and "have" keyword to set properties 
more clearly:

my $var has Found;

as opposed to:

my $var is Found


my @list have Found

I guess "have" sounds weird (all you base are belong to us ;) ) and may 
not be necessary.

2.  Perl6 definitely should include an "are" keyword as a synonym 
for "is."  I know this was discussed earlier, but I'm not sure what the 
outcome was.

3.  Since Perl is so widely used for CGI scripting, it should have an 
OPTIONAL PHP-like output system:

<? print $myvalue; ?> is the sum.

This could be turned on, I suppose, with a "use embedded" pragma or 
maybe a separate executable.

That's my two cents.  :)

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