On Mon, 8 Jul 2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Yep. But serializing continuations is either tough, or not
> completely doable, since programs tend to have handles on things
> outside their direct control like filehandles, sockets, database
> connections, and suchlike things. Resuming a continuation that's
> been frozen but also has an open DB handle is... an interesting
> problem. :)

I've always thought that a language that implemented FREEZE() and
THAW() blocks would be very cool indeed.  Java's EJB persistence is
extremely useful, but there you always need the safety webbing of a
container.  I'm pretty sure that if we could save the state of
everything else on the interpreter level, people won't mind losing and
having to reestablish OS-level resources.  At least I wouldn't.
Currently I have to do twice as much work to resume execution anyhow.

Sorry if this has been duly dissected before, I just thought in the
context of continuations it would be a worthwhile side avenue.


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