> Second, is there a prototype-way to specify the arguments to "for"
> (specifically, the first un-parentesized multidimensional array argument)?
> In other words, is that kind of signature expected to be used often enough
> to justify not forcing people to explicitly extend the grammar?

If you're talking about parallel iteration, I know what you mean.  I think 
there's a time for a special case, and that's one of them.  But it 
wouldn't be hard to extend that into a signature, I suppose.

If you're talking about the regular syntax:

        for @a, @b -> $x { ... }

Would that be:

        sub rof (array *@ars, &body) {...}


        sub rof (*@ars is array, &body) {...}

Saying specifically a list of arrays.  Also, would that list gobble up 
everything, or would it actually allow that coderef on the end?


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