Ken Fox wrote:

> The thing I'd like to do right now is turn on :w
> for all rules. A Fortran grammar might want to turn
> on :i for all rules.
> Maybe add modifiers to the grammar declaration?
>   grammar Fortran :i { ... }

Maybe. Or a property:

     grammar Fortran is modified(:i) { ... }

> It would also be convenient to allow the :w
> modifier to have lexically scoped behavior so a
> grammar can change the definition of a word. For
> example, a C grammar might want to skip comments.
> Would it be better to create a new (user-defined)
> modifier instead of changing the meaning of :w?


> BTW, how do we create user-defined modifiers?

That's yet to be decided. One possibility is that a modifier is
implemented via a special class:

        my class Decomment is RULE::Modifier
                            is invoked(:decomment) {
            method SETUP ($data, $rule) {
            # etc.

But, as I said, the details aren't worked out.
Or, at least, Larry hasn't revealed them, if they are. ;-)


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