
On Sun, 08 Sep 2002 22:24:11  
 Damian Conway wrote:

>Think of it as punctuation. As a necessary alternative to the poor
>overworked colon.

Or the poor overworked dot?

>> it all looks the same to me. And I like different things to look different. 
>A fair point. My counterargument is that you're looking at the wrong bit.

A fair counterargument (a new programming game - 

At this point I originally had a long reply stating my 
feelings. In the course of writing it and trying to 
anticiplate Damian's counter counter counter arguments 
the reply grew and grew until I realized I had changed 
sides. But I'll assemble what thoughts were worth 
salvaging into a different post and see where they go, 
and get Damian off of the CC list :-).

>Hang in there. If these "mixed number" C<aka>s were allowed then I'd suggest
>the semantics be that they indicate that *either* a scalar or array is
>acceptable in the corresponding argument slot. The scalar variant of the
>parameter would be bound to a scalar argument, or to a reference to an array
>argument.  The array variant of the parameter would be bound to an array
>argument, or it's zeroth element bound to a scalar argument.

I think that my problem here lies that I want to treat 
a property as either a lvalue or a subroutine call, 
and my brain keeps screaming "Watch out for variable 
interpolation!". I've been bitten by that enough in my 
early module writing days that the fear comes quickly. 
What I need (and I hope I'm not alone, or with too 
much company) is to know exactly what the is does 
here. What kind argument is it taking? Value, name, or 
reference? Once I pin that down, the whole thing 
should be clear.

>> -Erik
>> PS - Ha! My name above Damian's :-)
>Letting me get the last word, eh? Very kind of you. ;-)

Touche ('cept with an accent on the e there). Maybe were fencing, not playing 



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