Aaron Sherman wrote:

> Of these, about 30-50% will probably be pure Perl. Another small
> percentage will be assembly wrappers that call a one-for-one parrot
> function (e.g. exit). The rest will be a complex mix of Perl and
> assembly (e.g. sprintf which is mostly Perl, but needs assembly for
> low-level type conversion).

I'm just providing the necessary infrastructure inside imcc. The format 
of current Builtin's will probably slightly change. I need the global 
label (i.e. entry point) of the function for bsr fixup.

Sean did propose:

.extern sub_name _label

Plus something like (mine):

.sub sub_name {
        .param PerlUndef Arg1

for PIR subs.

(Current imcc parses »ret« as end of sub, which we might change)

There is no real need to use PASM at all in the function, but imcc 
(0.0.9) parses PASM instructions too.

BTW: are there any thoughts about "PackFile_FixupTable"?


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