Hello everybody,

that's a few month i'm following this mailing list. i dont like all the changes 
that are being made to perl, i'm using perl since '97, anyway if i think about 
it they're mostly all (until i understand everything) benefit to the language.

To make the background i was an assembly programmer on 6500, 6502, and well 
65xx, and whatever you may think off, amiga (680x0), snes (65c816), that really 
good archimede (that nobody ever used), and the intel marmelade since their 
80386... all this to say i know a few things about computers.

If i must place languages that i like in order i would say:
1) ASM
2) perl
3) basic (yeah i know, everybody sez it stinks)

i like poetry in perl, i like obfuscations, i like obvious solutions made more 
obvious. i like when peoples teach me perl. i like to tell peoples about perl.

Now i came thru this:
2002-09-11 21:38:30, Luke Palmer had a funny time writting:
> ...
> across  all  expression  blocks, whether user-defined or built-in. Any
> expression  block  construct can be treated as either a statement or a
> component  of an expression. Here's a block that is being treated as a
> term in an expression:
>       $x = do {
>               ...
>       } + 1;
> However, if you write
>       $x = do {
>               ...
>       }
>       + 1;
> then  the + will be taken erroneously as the start of a new statement.
> (So don't do that.) 
> ...

This is the part i like about perl 5. Really. I like it, it seems when you're 
doing I/O on a device, and nobody knows about the features. I like it! You're 
writting a driver an nobody suspects what's you're about.

Now, if like asm for such things, i wouldnt use perl for such features.

Why? well you're used to:
        > $x +=
        > +1;
not to:
        >       }     # implicit ';' THIS IS CRAZY#@!?
        >       +1;

If you're all going to make perl6 please try to keep things together. I mean i'd
prefer to:
        > };
        > +1

now perhaps i'm completly wrong. but for me, those CANT be different (yes, i 
know, they can..). I admit it, it could be fun to have such things, but it 
doesnt stand really clearly in my mind. And i dont think it fit any DWIM things. 
Well, if it could fit in any mind (for consistency) i'd like to have someone to 
explain. It doesnt feel natural, does it?

Before stopping this annoyance, for my first post here, i'd like to say, for 
perl and parrot, some big thanks to:

        Damian Conway 
        Dan Sugalski 
        Larry Wall
        Luke Palmer
        Michael G Schwern 
        Piers Cawley 
        Simon Cozens 
        Uri Guttman 
        Randal L. Schwartz
        The p5p mailling list,
        the p6p too,
        And everybody i forgot here,
        but that i read so frequently

Sorry for bothering, i've dropped a few schilling on yetanother.org :-)

PS: if i can do anything to help, just ask (with enough help), i'm running 
cygwin (on WinXP, the cygwin experimental version), linux, hp-ux and solaris 
(different flavours) -- i know NOTHING about C, well, not that much about C.


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