> Backtracking syntax includes:
>     :, ::, :::, <commit>, <cut>
> 1. It's nice how the ':', '::', and ':::' progression indicates
> progressively wider scope. But I would be surprised if
> newbies don't say to themselves, "now just how wide a
> scope am I backtracking when there's three colons?".

What problem there is? Scopes are atom/group/rule - I don't see any 
possible misunderstanding there as these scopes are so natural.

> 2. Typo-trap: I can imagine it being fairly easy for some
> people to miss, during debugging, both the visual and
> behavioral distinction between '::' and ':::'.

If that really is big problem, it can be solved easily by using 
proper editor which supports high-lighting.
::: could be shown with different color or bold while :: uses some 
other syntax.

> 3. It seemed odd how the <commit> and <cut> assertions
> switch to the general <...> syntax. I felt like it would be better if
> they avoided the general syntax, and preferably had some family
> resemblance with the first three backtracking controls.
> So, how about something like:
>     :           # lock in current atom, ie as now
>     :]          # lock in surrounding group, currently ::
>     :>          # lock in surrounding rule, currently :::
>     :/          # lock in top level rule, currently <commit>
>     ://         # cut

I find :,::,::: to be a lot easier to remember than :,:],:> - and 
also easier to type.

While <commit> and <cut> don't follow same syntax, I don't really see 
any better solutions. Better solution should IMHO keep :,::,::: and 
offer better alternative only to <commit>.
<cut> doesn't really belong to this serie as it's different 
backtracking-operation and so it can and should have different 

I wonder if :::: might be usefull instead of <commit> with proper 

Markus Laire 'malaire' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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