On Tue, 2002-09-24 at 11:07, Trey Harris wrote:
> In a message dated Tue, 24 Sep 2002, Chip Salzenberg writes:

> > then what about
> >
> >    $a = (1)
> >
> > ?  And if someone says that I have to write:
> >
> >    $a = (1,)
> >
> > then I am going on the warpath.  That Way Lay Python.

I would *never* suggest such a thing :)

Seriously, it's not that it's Python-like, but that it's not intuitive
to Perl programmers at all. There's no way to map your brain into that
grammar without re-learning what a list is, and I don't see the reward
being worth that kind of mind-bending.

> *shrug* Regardless of whether we like it, what Larry said is true unless
> and until he invokes Rule 2.  And unless he invokes Rule 2,
> C<scalar(1,2,3)> is equivalent to C<[1,2,3]>.
> My suggestion is merely that one-tuples lacking the comma cannot be
> constructed with parens (round brackets) and that list-flattening context
> has the effect of voiding top-level round parens (but not square
> brackets).

The crux of the no-parens for lists discussion has been the idea that in
the current state of affairs, square brackets are a pointless tumor on
the syntax of Perl 6. You don't need them, not ever... almost. You can

        $x = (1,2,(3,4),(5,(6)))

And everything except for that last C<(6)> will be an anonymous array,
constructed for your viewing pleasure. Of course (again, NOT PROPOSING
ANYTHING, just citing how it is supposed to be now):

        $x = [1,2,[3,4],[5,[6]]]

Will do what you intended, but now we're keeping brackets on just for
the single-element anonymous array feature, which is one hell of an
impact on the syntax for such a small feature. Larry's work on Patterns
would seem to indicate a deep disdain for this sort of slop, so I
imagine a future apoc. will address the waste of operators here. I await
it with much faith in the power of authoritarian rules :-)

>   push @a, (7,3,2);
> would push the elements 7, 3 and 2 to the end of @a, but
>   push @a, [7,3,2];
> would push a single element containing the arrayref [7,3,2] onto the end
> of @a.

That doesn't really work. Because now you introduce the case where:

        $x = (1,2,3);
        @y = (1,2,3);
        $z = [1,2,3];
        push @a, $x, @y, $z, (1,2,3), [1,2,3];

Behaves in ways that will take hours to explain to newbies, and I assure
you it ain't WIM. Not even a little bit.

Aaron Sherman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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