I have always longed for a more flexible security
system that could limit what a part of code could do
in Perl. 

In perl5 Safe.pm (and Safe::Hole) have serious
limitations and problems since it is difficult to have
the security-limited code (that executes in a safe
compartment) have use packages or interact with code
outside the compartment: Safe is not reentrant and
Perl dies with a segfault if a safe code calls a
shared function that calls in turn a different Safe
compartment. That makes it difficult if not impossible
to build a perl  program that could run code from
different users securily (web applications, servelets,
user-submitted libraries, a programmable perl MUD,

I have been a lazy lurker and have not provided a RFC
or a thread before since I assumed others would have
the same problem and would do the job much more

However since I could find no such topics in the RFCs
and the Parrot mailing lists, I decided to start some

I believe Perl6 needs a facility to run
"compartmented" code (object-oriented and
module-loading) that is tagged as to its permissions
and "owner" ID. The goal would be to let such code use
harmful actions only by calling permitteed outside
functions that implement permission checks before
calling potentially harmful code.

That would mean a piece of user-submitted code closed
in a secured compartment could use a limited subset of
language (or parrot bytecodes) and some specially
permited (shared) functions and method calls outside
compartment. Those functions/methods should be able to
call code in other compartments (or the same
compartment). In this way, code outside the
compartment could provide permission-controlled secure
access to system facilities and other compartments.

Such functionality would be enough for implementation
of secure servlets, web/server/cluseter user submitted
jobs and perl-based programmable multiuser
environments such as MUDs/MUSHes, chatting and
programming centers etc.

Perhaps the source-info in the Parrot subsystem that
is supposed to help in error-message generation could
be extended to provide context for compartments and
some sort of bytcode filters combined with
parser/compiler filters could limit the compartmented

Is anyone interested? My coding (in)abilities forbid
me to actuall create patches, of course...

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