Peter Haworth wrote:

> That *is* a logical weakening. Just because the inherited precondition is
> C<< x > 10 >>, doesn't mean that the weakened condition has to be of the form
> C<< x > 9 >> or any other value lower than 10. C<< a || b >> is weaker than
> C<< a >>

So what we are looking at is something like....

class Animal {
   method eat($food) is abstract {
     PRE { $food.isa(Edible); }
     POST { !$stomach.empty; }

class Goat is Animal {
   method eat($food) {
     PRE { $food.isa(Can); }
     my $chewedfood = $teeth.chew($food);
     POST { $teeth.clean; }

class Teeth {
  method brush {...};
  method chew {
    POST { .clean == false; }
my Animal $billy = new Goat;

$;   # succeeds because PRE for is met
$;      # succeeds because PRE for is met
$;     # Fails because neither PRE is met

class DirtyTeeth is Teeth {
   method brush {};

$billy.teeth =;
$;   # Fails because POST for is not met


>> Are there
>>other ways to do it, just to mull them over?

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