On Tue, 8 Oct 2002, Larry Wall wrote:

> : but I think the latter is unnatural enough that it deserves parens, so I'd
> : put 'but' above comma (and probably '='), but below just about everything
> : else.
> Could perhaps unify with C<..>.  Wouldn't hurt for it to be
> non-associative like C<..>.

'Is' and 'but' return their left operand to allow chaining, so don't 'is'
and 'but' need to be left associative so the following will work?

    0 but true but string('zero rows affected')

> I'd be more inclined to unify & and | with * and +, since that's
> exactly what they are in Boolean algebra, where 1*1 == 1.  I think
> the argument that it breaks C compatibily is weak in this case,
> since almost everyone admits that C is broken in this respect.

Good point.

> Alternately, we take | and & away from bitwise ops and do something
> more useful with them.  I have been asked privately by a sight
> impaired person to consider using | as the separator for parallel
> streams rather than the almost invisible ; character, for instance.
> Being a bit sight impaired myself at the moment, I have great empathy...

| and & do one thing different from + and *.  They impose integer context
on their operands, rather that just numeric.

How about moving ** down to just above *?  There's no precedence from C,
and -$a**2 is a bit counter-intuitive mathematically.  I'm not sure
what the intuitive behavior should be for the other unary operators

I can post a revised table if the associativity of 'but' is clarified.

~ John Williams

my $zen = true but false;

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