> [proposal for delegation syntax, drawing from Class::Delegation]
> If something is part of the method interface, it ought to be declared
> as a method.
>     method steer is really(Wheel) is also(???) { .profit!!! }

That's tidy, and is sorta on the lines of my own initial thoughts.

But afaict this approach only works for a literal method-by-
method setup of delegation.

In Class::Delegation, Damian notes that his delegation
mechanisms can be specified for: 
            a single method 
            a set of nominated methods collectively 
            any as-yet-undelegated methods 
            all methods, delegated or not. 

and his examples included regexes and other dynamic
means of selecting the methods to which some specific
delegating rule or set of rules applied.

There are other factors that led me to the notion of using
one or more class level PROXY blocks, but the above is
probably the most compelling one.

Perhaps all this is too much power for the core. Or maybe
there's a need for a more general mechanism for selecting
and acting on (eg setting properties on) sets of class slots.


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