The 'untaintby' property restricts which modules may untaint the data or
data derived from that data.


I was recently using a module I downloaded from CPAN and looking through
the code I discovered that it untainted certain data that it had no
business untainting (IMHO).  The untainting was an unintended byproduct of
some otherwise useful work. (See my earlier concern about untainting at

Now, tainting is a funny thing: it's an admission that maybe your program
doesn't work quite the way you want it to. I submit that if it's healthy to
doubt the perfection of your own code (even though you run it), it's also
healthy to doubt other people's code (even though you use it). I would feel
a little more comfortable if I could say "I'll hold back the untainting to
just my own code".

Here's my little brainstorm.  Objects can be marked with a property called
'untaintby'.  The value of the property is a list of modules that are
allowed to untaint the data.  Example:

  my $command is untaintby('MyApp::Commands', 'Util::IdCheck')
    = CGI.param('command');

Any module that isn't authorized by that list cannot untaint the data, and
cannot derive untainted data from it.  No error results from a class trying
to do an unauthorized untaint: the data just isn't untainted.

So, for example, if the data were copied into $privatecmd in Foo::Bar, that
copied value would inherit the untaintby property.  If a regex were run
against $privatecmd...

  # bad untainting, bad!
  $mycmd =~ m|([^!-`])+|; 
  $newcmd = $1;

... $newcmd would also inherit the untaintby property, and would still be
tainted. Modules may further restrict the untaintby property (i.e, shorten
the list) but they may not add to it.

The module that initially sets the untaintby property is by default
included in the list, so to restrict to just the current class you could

  my $command is untaintby() = CGI.param('command');

(Hmm, I'm not sure about that, though.  It isn't clear just reading it that
the current module can untaint. What do you think?)


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