Luke Palmer writes:
> > Do you think that Lisp macros make the language more powerful than
> > others (eg Perl)? I mean, do they really give a competitive
> > advantage, or are they being overrated (see below)?
> If you define "powerful" as "can do more things," then of course not.

No, of course. I guess any language is a Turing Machine, after all...

I mean power in the sense of "more high level", that could be measured in
(fewer) lines of code. Would I exaggerate if I said that the C/Perl
compression rate could approach 10 in certain cases?

Then I could point you to some benefits Perl has over C, for some classes of
problems: faster development, easier maintenance, capability to better develop
bigger systems.

And Perl excels in solving a wide range of problems.

> Lisp is implemented in C, and C's macros are certainly not essential
> to its functionality.  But think of what macros in general provide:
>         * Multi-platform compatability
>         * Easier maintenance
> Perl has no problem with the former.  It's multi-platform by nature.
> But is has as much of a problem with the latter as any other language,
> except Lisp.  That is one of the continuing strong points of Lisp: it
> can change very, very quickly.

Yes. And what would this kind of "meta programming" allow? Perhaps thoughts
like this:

"Now I need code for these n cases. I will just write a macro."

Maybe it makes complex problems suddenly appear more "tractable", allows for
more code reuse/factorization?

> However, they are intending to make it possible to write things like
> C<if> with subs, which will imply most of the power of
> macros... though I imagine it won't be possible to have the level of
> introspection lisp macros have (infinite).  But, that design team is
> very clever, so you never know.

Well, I have to confess that I'm asking about macros, but I don't even
remember when was the last time I used a closure ;-)

> This kind of thing should reveal itself in the next Apocalypse.  Then
> we can see Larry's "vision," and make appropriate adjustments in terms
> of that.   Right now, it's very fuzzy.

Nice, I'm looking forward to reading it.

> Oh, and you aren't being inconvenient.  These kinds of questions are
> what the list is for: ask away!


Best regards,


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