Larry mused:

Now I'm wondering whether these should be split into:

     +&    +|    +!              - bitwise operations on int
     +&=   +|=   +!=

     ~&    ~|    ~!              - bitwise operations on str
     ~&=   ~|=   ~!=
I think this is UME (Unnecessary Multiplication of Entities), especially

    +$x .| +$y
    ~$x .| ~$y

Then we could allow

    @a ^.~|= @b;	# hyper bitwise string or-equals
Eek! Now, where did I put those dried frog pills???

I think a good case can be made for *not* defining the corresponding
super assignment operators: &=, |=, and umm...I guess it would have
to be !=, er...
I suspect disjunctive superpositions will get a great deal
of use as sets, and so the ability to add an element to an
existing set:

	$set |= $new_element;

might be appreciated. But it's no big thing.

I'd still love to the double angles for a qw synonym.
I was hoping we'd be able to generalize << from the heredoc introducer to
the file slurp operator. But I can certainly see the attraction of:

	use enum <<d'oh ray me far solar tea>>;


:      (heredocs)     - (exact format unknown)
I have a paper (coming) on that.


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