John Siracusa wrote:
> Larry's just thinking out loud, right?

Yes, and so is everyone else.  Most posts here, including Larry's, are
stream-of-conciousness.  Heck, in one of the last ones I swear there
were, what, 6 or 7 possible ways to say the same "binary op" things. 
90% of everything proposed is shot down, though sometimes it generates a
lot of noise before dying.  Even many of the players here move
in-and-out of conversation, from lurker to poster to lurker, depending
on topic & free time.

I bet the operator list changes another 5 times, in huge ways, before
being finalized.  I posted the latest-full-list so that everyone could
see all the implications of what was being discussed in the previous
threads.  People saw, and issues are a-flyin, and something will come of
it.  Think positive!


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