On Wed, Nov 13, 2002 at 03:11:32PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
: so if I understand correctly , 
: Every topicalizer defines a topicalizer scope in which there is
: implicit declaration 
: my $_ ; 
: and then lexical $_ ( implicitely ) is bound to ( or assigned to )
: whatever it should in this particular topicalizer. And from that on $_
: is just another lexical variable .


: Question(s) : 
: with no "use strict vars" any "just another variable" is taken by perl as
: being global -- it is implicitly "our $just_another_var;" (???) 
: about any lexical veriable ( just_another_variable ) Perl have to be
: explicitly informed as being such . is $_ just_another_variable in
: that respect too ??? 

$_ is always a lexical.  Every file scope has an implicit "my $_" at the top.
Every nested scope either sets up its own lexical $_ or aliases to an outer $_.

: in other words , what happens if I just use $_ ( that is , without
: previous declaration ) *outside any topicalizer* ?

There is no "outside any topicalizer" from that standpoint.  However,
$_ does start off undefined in an implicit topicalizer, and we may
well disallow "break" to such an implicit topicalizer at file scope,
and maybe at subroutine scope.

:     * will it be implicitly "our $_" ( probably not , because it is
:       always lexical )

Correct, $_ is always lexical.  But...

: or  * will it be implicitely "my $_" -- class/package lexical 

There's no such thing as a "class/package lexical".  I think you
mean file-scoped lexical here.

: or  * will it be error to just use it without declaration  
:        * with "use strict vars" 
:        * with "no strict vars " 
: will  it be an error to declare it as "our $_" ; 

No, in this case, $_ is still considered a lexical, but it just happens
to be aliased to a variable in the current package.

: and to repeat the question from previous post , 
: what will perl do when it see 
: $My_Package::_ = 1 ; 

It'll set the $My_Package::_ variable to 1, I presume.  Whether that
has any influence on the value of $_ depends on how $_ is currently
aliased.  But the name $_ will always be interpreted according to the
lexical definitions set up by "my" and "our" (including the implicit
outer "my").


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