--- Damian Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The semantics of C<for> would simply be that if it is given an
> iterator object (rather than a list or array), then it calls 
> that object's iterator once per loop.

By extension, if it is NOT given an iterator object, will it appear to
create one?

That is, can I say 

for (@squares)
  if $special.instructions eq 'Advance three spaces'

or some other suchlike thing that will enable me to consistently
perform iterator-like things within a loop, regardless of origin?

(Oh please! Let there be one, and for love of humanity, let it be
called "bork". Pleasepleaseplease!!! It's a shorthand form of "bind or
kontinue", really it is.  :-) :-) :-))

> but I think that's...err...differently right. 

The verb form is "euph" ? Or "euphemise"?

> Otherwise I can't see how one call call an iterator directly in a
> for loop:
>       for <fibs()> {...}

Which suggests that fibs is a coroutine, since otherwise its return
value is weird. But 

     while <fibs()> { ... }

suggests instead behavior rather like while (!eof()), although the
diamond is strange. 

So in general, diamonded-function-call implies coroutine/continuation?

> But I could certainly live with it not having that, in which case
> the preceding example would have to be:
>       my $iter = fibs();
>       for <$iter> {...}

That's not horrible, but it does even more damage to expression

> and, if your coroutine itself repeatedly yields a iterator
> then you need:
>       my $iter = fibses();
>       for < <$iter> > {...}
> (Careful with those single angles, Eugene!)

To disagree, vile Aussie! To be looking at perl5's adornmentless

perlopentut sez:
POT> When you process the ARGV filehandle using <ARGV>, 
POT> Perl actually does an implicit open on each file in @ARGV.
POT> Thus a program called like this:

POT>    $ myprogram file1 file2 file3

POT> Can have all its files opened and processed one at a time
POT> using a construct no more complex than:

POT>    while (<>) {
POT>        # do something with $_
POT>    }

This *ought* to work the same in p6.

Since you can modify @ARGV in a pure string context, what's the real

If I say: while (<>) {print;} I'm asking for file-scan behavior.

If I say: for (@ARGV) { print; } I'm asking for array-scan behavior.

If I say: for (<@ARGV>) { print; } I'm asking for trouble?


@ARGV is a string array, but <> is topicized in :: (or whatever the
default execution context is called) to iterate over @_MAGIC_ARGV,
which is := @ARGV but of a different class whose iterate behavior
performs an open "<$_" in the background, and iterates serially over
each entry in @ARGV once EOF occurs.

my CoolFileType @MY_ARGV := @ARGV;  # Same data, different interface. 

for (<@MY_ARGV>) {

This is kind of neat, but there needs to be a solid, readable
typecasting mechanism to facilitate the multiple flavors of iteration
-- to convert from one iterator format to another, for example.

> > They elegantify stuff.
> <tsk> <tsk> If you're going to talk Merkin, talk it propericiously:
>       "They elegantificatorize stuff"

We Merkuns don't add, we shorten. That's "elify", to wit:

"Z'at elify the code?"
"Elify - no."

Reduction of length, combined with conservation of ambiguity. Win win


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