> Date: Tue, 03 Dec 2002 18:39:27 -0500
> From: James Mastros <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Huh?  In that case, somebody should tell Angel Faus; "Numeric literals,
> take 3" says 0c777, and nobody disented.  IIRC, in fact, nobody's
> descented to 0c777 since it was first suggested.

Well, except Larry.  I remember him saying initially that it should be
0o777, not just in the most recent one.  I'm not much of a thread
scaveneger, so I can't point you to the message.

> > (But since I assume you can use \d, \b, \h anywhere you use \o, you 
> > won't have to use octal at all if you don't want to.)
> \d is pure speculation on my part.  (As is \0 == chr(0).)
> p6l guys and the Design Team, if you havn't been following the
> conversation, here's how it goes:
> In perl5, octal numbers are specified as 0101 -- with a leading zero,
> and octal characters in strings are specified as "\0101".  In perl6, our
> current documentation lists 0c101 as being the new way to write octal
> numbers, because it lets people use leading zeros in numbers in an
> intuitive way, and 0o101 was decided to be too difficult to read.  The
> last writing of Larry to address this, as far as I (or anybody else who
> I've noticed) knows, says 0o101.
> It's generaly been agreed on, I think, that 0c101 is the way to go.

I get a different impression.  I think it's generally a
non-controversial topic, and nobody really cares either way... aside
from you, perhaps.

> Now, we're working on string literals, and the question is how we write
> octal character literals.  The current writer of the string literal spec
> wants "\o101" to be the new way to write what is "\101" in perl5 (and
> C).  I'd prefer this to be "\c101", to match up with how the current doc
> says octal numerics are written.  Unfornatly, \c is taken for
> control-characters (ie "\c[" eq chr(ord '[' - 64) eq ESC), which is a
> more important use of \c.
> What do we do, oh great and wonderful design team?
> Numeric       String        Upside                    Downside
> -------       ------        ------                    --------
> 0101          \101          p5/C compatable           Unintutive
> 0o101         \o101         Consistent                Hard to read

Not that I'm "great and wonderful design team," but this one is my
favorite.  I don't think 0o101 is terribly hard to read, and "o"
stands for "octal" a lot better than "c" does.  

That comes back in reading, too.  Once people figure out that's the
letter "o", and not a miniature zero, it will be perfectly clear what
is meant.  That's not true of "c".


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