--- Deborah Ariel Pickett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Getting off topic here (a bit), but I think it's a Mistake to have
> .length mean different things on an array ["Number of elements"] and
> a (string) scalar ["number of characters"].  

> While there will never be any confusion on the part of Perl, 
> it'll promote Thinking About Things The Wrong Way among Perl 
> novices, who will try to think of strings as C-like arrays of
> characters.  We've gone to great lengths to disabuse people
> of that notion in Perl5; let's keep it that way.
> Perhaps .size for number-of-elements and .length for length-of-string
> would work?

This would just cause them to Think About Things A Different But
Equally Wrong Way: as assembly language objects whose SIZE in bytes is
the determining component of their existence.

Seriously, if they're smart enough to run a text editor, I think it's
safe to say that they can handle the conceptual difference between the
"length" (mins:secs) of a video, and the "length" (feet:inches) of the
mag-tape that encodes the video. People deal with different inherent
units all the time in the real world -- some of them even remember to
carry the units through their equations when they're doing math. Let's
give some credit to the audience at large.


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