frederic fabbro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can one see it as a shell redirection/pipe? This may sound funny, 
> but is the following ok?
>        @b <~ @a  ~> @c; #  @c = @b = @a;
>       (@b <~ @a) ~> @c; #  same order i guess
> so one can also:
>       @keep <~ grep /good/ <~ @list ~> grep /bad!/ ~> @throw;
> is this if valid too?
>       @b ~> @a <~ @c; #  push @a, @b, @c;
> or:   @b, @c ~> push @a;
>       qw/hello world/ ~> print

Just add ^~ and v~ and we've got our own Befunge flavor.

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