On 2003-01-16 at 16:42:15, Buddha Buck wrote:
> [Note:  I originally sent this to Mr. Nobody alone, but that wasn't my
> intent.  I'm re-sending it here, where I wanted it to go in the first
> place. -- bmb]
This came in with a content type text/plain, charset=us-ascii.
US-ASCII is by definition 7 bits only, so if you're planning on
sending Latin-1 accented characters, or UTF-8, or anything else that
requires that 8th bit not to be stripped and assumed 0, your email
program has to set the headers properly.  Doesn't matter what it
looks like in your outbox; all the transfer points along the way
have to know how to treat the contents, too.

Mark REED                    | CNN Internet Technology
1 CNN Center Rm SW0831G      | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Atlanta, GA 30348      USA   | +1 404 827 4754

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